
Small Claims


Court employees, including the Judge, are prohibited by law from giving legal advice, which includes selection and preparation of documents. If you have any questions regarding small claims filings, you should seek legal counsel of your choosing. The Court can not appoint an attorney to represent you in civil or small claims matters.

The Court has jurisdiction in small claims cases for which the amount claimed does not exceed Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), exclusive of interest and costs.

To file a small claims case in the Bellevue Municipal Court, proper jurisdiction must be determined by answering yes to ONE of the following statements:

  • A defendant resides in the City of Bellevue, Lyme or Sherman Townships in Huron County, York Township in Sandusky County OR Groton Township in Erie County.
  • A defendant has his principal place of business in the City of Bellevue, Lyme or Sherman Townships in Huron County, York Township in Sandusky County OR Groton Township in Erie County.
  • The action must have occurred in the City of Bellevue, Lyme or Sherman Townships in Huron County, York Township in Sandusky County OR Groton Township in Erie County.
  • The property, which is the subject of this action, is located in the City of Bellevue, Lyme or Sherman Townships in Huron County, York Township in Sandusky County OR Groton Township in Erie County.

Interest Rates On Judgment

EFFECTIVE January 2024 please be advised that the Ohio Tax Commissioner has determined that pursuant to R.C. 5703.47, the interest rate for the calendar year is eight percent (8%).

Small Claims Filing Information for Plaintiff

A small claims complaint form must be completed and filed. All relevant parties involved need to be correctly identified, and current addresses for all parties is required, including zip code. Plaintiffs phone number is also required. Defendant’s phone number should be included, if available. A brief but clear statement of the reason for the claim is required. Plaintiff's must sign the complaint in the presence of the clerk at the Court, and provide a photo ID at the time of filing. Documents substantiating a complaint do not need to be attached to the claim at the time of filing unless, a plaintiff refers to an exhibit in the statement on the complaint.


The number of required copies to be filed is as follows: (1) an original signed copy: (2) two copies for each Defendant; and (3) one copy to return to the plaintiff. If a plaintiff will be mailing a completed complaint, all required copies must be included. It also is necessary to have a signature on the complaint notarized, prior to mailing. The appropriate filing fee must also be submitted to the Court upon filing.

If you are bringing the complaint into the Court for filing, you may wait to sign the complaint and a clerk will witness your signature. The Court can then make the required number of copies for you at a nominal fee.

Once the complaint has been filed, the Court will schedule a Court hearing. Be sure to bring all documents and evidence that substantiates your claim with you to the hearing.

You may be awarded interest from the date of the incident. If you do not know that date, you may have interest awarded from the date of judgment at the then current statutory rate per annum.

Small Claims Filing Fees

Amended Small Claims Complaint (Original + 2 Copies for Each Defendant) $60.00
Each Additional Defendant $10.00
Small Claims Complaint (Original + 2 Copies for Each Defendant) $60.00
Each Additional Defendant $10.00
Small Claims Cross-Claim (Original + 2 Copies for Each Party) - Plaintiff Serves Defendant $20.00
Small Claims Cross-Claim (Original + 2 Copies for Each Party) - Court Provides Service $35.00
Transfer Case From Small Claims to Civil $46.00
Writ of Execution $150.00
Bank Attachment/Proceedings in Aid/3rd Party Attachment (Original + 3 Copies) $50.00
Plus $1.00 Check Made Out To Garnishee/Bank
Garnishment Personal Earnings - Judgment Up to $3,000.00 (Original + 4 Copies) $100.00
Garnishment Personal Earnings - Judgment Over $3,000.00 (Original + 4 Copies) $160.00
Judgment Debtor's Exam (Original + 3 Copies)
1 Person $40.00
2 People $60.00
Debtor Disclosure Questionnaire $20.00
Replevin (Serial Numbers, Material Items ex. TV) (Original + 3 Copies) $100.00
Cognovit Judgment/Note $100.00
Certificate of Judgment Lien (Issuing Certificate) $20.00
Filing Certificate of Judgment in Our Court $40.00
Authentication Certificate $30.00
Certified Copy of Judgment $10.00
Release of Certificate of Judgment (Plus Common Pleas Where Filed) $30.00
Modify Judgment $30.00
Revive Judgment/Revivor $60.00
Appeal (Original + 5 Copies) $25.00 Local Cost
+ $150.00 Payable to Court of Appeals
Witness Fees (Names Must Be Filed 7 Days Prior to Trial Date) $6.00 1/2 Day
$12.00 Full Day
Subpoena $10.00 Each
Request Must Have Precipe Attached With Instructions/Bailiff Fee & Mileage May Apply
Bailiff & Sheriff Mileage 65.5 Cents/Mile
$6.00 Bailiff Fee
(Sheriff Fee If Used Will Be Billed)
1 Person $40.00
2 People $60.00

** The Clerk shall refuse to file and act on any matter requiring a deposit of costs unless the deposit has been made. **